Is Rugby Union tougher than American Football?


Among sports fans, you can often hear the opinion that Rugby is more difficult than American football.

So let's compare these two sports and find out why this is so. To begin with, let us consider in general what is rugby and what is American football.

Rugby, or ball game, is a type of football played with an oval ball on a rectangular field. Rugby was included in the Olympic sports. The country in which this sport was born is considered to be England in the XVIII-XIX centuries. There is a legend that this sport arose during one of the football matches, in which one of the players took the ball in his hands and brought it into the opponent's goal. Already in 1845, but in 1848 Cambridge approved its rules of the game. A rugby team consists of 15 players, and the number of each player corresponds to their role during the game. The distribution of players is also very important, as you need to put players in positions where they will succeed. The goal of the game is to land the oval ball in the scoring field or kick it over the goal crossbar within the area marked by the two posts, this indicates a score for the team that did it. Also, gambling fans love to bet with 400 percent casino bonus where they bet on rugby.

American football is one of the team sports, play it with an oval ball. The goal of the game is to carry the ball into the end zone in the opponent's half of the field and thereby earn points. The ball can be passed to teammates or carried in the hands. Points can be earned in different ways, to bring the ball into the opponent's goal, successfully pass the ball to a team member or bring it into the scoring area. The team that scores the most points in the allotted time wins the game. There are many varieties of American football, such as Canadian or indoor. This sport became independent in the XIX century. Now it is considered the most popular sport in America, and this title has been held since the 1960s.

What is the difference between American football and rugby?

In rugby, 15 players play on the field at the same time, and in American football only 11.

In American football, the match consists of 4 stages of 15 minutes, the rest between halves is 1 minute between the first and second, and 15 minutes between the second and third. In rugby, the game consists of 2 halves of 40 minutes. Therefore, we can understand that playing rugby is more difficult because players lose a lot of energy during the game.

In American football, the playing field is much smaller than in rugby. Therefore, it is much harder to pass the ball to the players of your team.

In rugby, you can use your feet to pass the ball to a teammate. American football does not provide for the use of legs in the game, for this can expel a participant from the field of play. That is, you need to think carefully about your actions in order to pass the ball to the players of your team at the right time.

Very often it is the ball of unusual shape that becomes the distinguishing feature of rugby. In fact, in both sports, the ball has an oval shape, but the rugby ball is rounder and larger and is heavier than the American football. Also, their difference lies in the material from which they are created. The rugby ball is made of synthetic materials, while the American football ball is made of genuine leather in order to better hold it in the player's hands due to its rough surface. The rugby ball is brighter, and the soccer ball has strange leather lacing.

American football players create special protection for the head and torso. Which is quite heavy, and without special training, it is difficult to play this sport. Rugby players have a form that is no different from the form designed for other types of football. And this greatly increases the likelihood of getting injured during the game.

There is also a strong difference in the essence of these games, in rugby, the main goal is to get the ball into the opponent's goal, and in American football players can win the opponents with more points for successful passes and advancement into the opponents' territory and you can do bet to specific score with 300 casino bonus.

Power techniques are also allowed in these games, but there are very big differences in their use. In rugby, a force can be used only against the player who is in possession of the ball at that moment. American football allows the use of force against any player, regardless of whether he has the ball.

I think based on these differences you could already understand why rugby is a much harder sport compared to American football.
